How to choose the right washing machine

How to choose the right washing machine

9 minute read |

Load capacity, size, and types are key things to consider while choosing a washing machine but what else? Explore our comprehensive selection guide to gain invaluable insights into what to prioritize before making a purchase.

1. Tips on choosing washing machine capacity


What does washing machine capacity mean?

When it comes to how to choose a washing machine that is good and durable, understanding the concept of washing capacity and how it is determined is crucial.

The washing capacity of a washer simply refers to the maximum amount of clothes in kg can be washed in one cycle. The washing capacity is always measured by the weight of the dry laundry. For example, a 8kg washing machine means it can load up to 8kg of dry clothes in each cycle.

How to choose washing machine capacity by family size

Now that you have an idea of what washing capacity is, here is a brief guide on how to find out how many kg of a washing machine you will need according to family size:

Family size Washing machine capacity (kg)

Singles or couples

6-7kg washing machines

2-3 members

7-8kg washing machines

3-5 members

8-9kg washing machines

5+ members

10+ kg washing machines

While this capacity guide is easy to follow, you may find yourself wondering, "What if I have a small family of two, but we typically have heavy-duty loads for each cycle?" Let's explore our solution in the upcoming section.

How to choose washing machine capacity by average laundry load

Another effective way in determining the appropriate washing capacity of the washer for your home is to weigh the average load of clothes you usually wash in each cycle. This might sound obscure to some, yet it’s practical in helping you select a washing machine with a suitable load capacity.

Traditionally, it is recommended to opt for the minimum washing capacity for your needs. However, as most of latest washing machines come with intelligent sensor technology that adjusts water levels, you can confidently opt for a higher capacity without having to sacrifice efficiency.

2. Washing machine load capacity

Now that you know how to choose the right washer based on washing capacity, it’s time to talk about load capacity or load size chart. Load capacity is basically about how many pieces of clothes you can put in your washing machine in each cycle.

Here is a brief guideline on washing machine capacity and the corresponding number of clothes it can load for your reference:

Washing machine capacity How many clothes

6-7kg washing machines

20 clothes

7-8kg washing machines

30-35 clothes

8-9kg washing machines

40 clothes

10+ kg washing machines

50 clothes

To give you a more itemised idea, here is a breakdown of what various load sizes might look like:

Load capacity How it might look like

20 clothes

2 shirts, 2 trousers, 2 bath towels, 2 hand towels, 2 pillow covers, 1 large bedsheet

30-35 clothes

2 shirts, 2 pairs of denims, 2 pairs of children’s jeans, 2 bath towels, 2 pillow covers, 2 bedsheets

40 clothes

3 shirts, 3 pairs of adult denims, 3 small towels, 3 pillow covers, 3 bath towels, 2 bedsheets

50 clothes

4 shirt, 4 pairs of adult denims, 4 small towels, 4 bath towels, 4 pillow covers, 3 bedsheets


3. Washing machine sizes

Besides washing capacity and load capacity, you must also consider the washing machine size or dimension. The washing machine you choose must accurately fit within the allocated space.

To select the ideal washing machine for your home, be sure to follow these steps:

  • Measure the space where you intend to place the washer.
  • Take note of the dimensions.
  • Choose a washer that fits within that space.

Here is a washing machine size chart showing common dimension ranges of a normal washing machine:

Washing machine type Width Height Depth

Top load washing machine

540 to 600 mm

850 to 960 mm

540 to 606 mm

Front load washing machine

565 to 600 mm

840 to 850 mm

400 to 615 mm

Small washing machine

385 to 430 mm

575 to 840 mm

366 to 465 mm

Important notes:

  • Remember to leave a gap of approximately 25 mm on both sides of the washing machine. This extra space facilitates proper ventilation and minimises overheating and vibration.
  • Allocate an additional 150 mm of space behind the washer for hoses and venting purposes.
  • Allow for at least 500 mm of extra depth for front-loading washers or height for top-loading washers to ensure there is enough space when the lid is open.


4. Types of washing machines

In the previous section, we mentioned the common size ranges of washing machines. However, it is also important to consider the different types of washing machines and determine which type ofox best suits your needs. Here is a guide to help you understand the various available options.

Top load washing machines

Top load washing machine is designed with a door on the top of the machine. With this layout, you don’t necessarily need to bend over while doing laundry since you load from above. And especially, you are free to add or remove items in the middle of the cycle.

Front load washing machines

Unlike top load washing machines, front loaders come with a door at the front which opens one side of the drum into which washing is placed.

In most regions of the world, high-end washers are often of this type. Most commercial and industrial clothes washing machines worldwide are of the horizontal-axis design as well.

5. Set your budget

Many people believe that choosing a basic top-load washing machine is a suitable option for those constrained by budgetary considerations. This perception holds some truth, given that top loaders often come with affordable price tags and sufficient features to fulfil their purpose.

In contrast, front loaders generally have higher upfront costs. However, the initial investment in a front load washing machine can quickly be offset by long-term savings due to their superior energy and water efficiency.

Explore our collection of Electrolux automatic washing machines, which are available at affordable prices and incorporate the latest washing technologies to ensure high energy efficiency:

$ 559.00 $ 739.00 -24%

    • CyclonicCare gives gentle yet powerful cleaning.
    • Prism drum minimizes friction and tangling.
    • TubClean keeps your machine hygienically clean.
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$ 559.00 $ 739.00 -24%

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$ 1,199.00 $ 1,399.00 -14%

    • Prevents visible detergent residue with UltraMix.*
    • Efficient full-load washing in only 45 mins.
    • Sanitise removes 99.99% common bacteria & viruses.*
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$ 1,199.00 $ 1,399.00 -14%

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$ 1,149.00 $ 1,349.00 -15%

    • Added hygiene and gentle care.
    • Efficient full-load washing in only 45 mins.
    • Sanitise removes 99.99% common bacteria & viruses.*
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$ 1,149.00 $ 1,349.00 -15%

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6. Material of washing tub or drum

The washing tub or drum is typically constructed from stainless steel, plastic, or porcelain-enamel materials. Among these options, stainless steel washing machine tubs are considered the best choice due to their ability to withstand high spin speeds and their durability.

Regarding the other two, plastic washing tubs have a longer lifespan compared to enamel tubs, which can be susceptible to chipping and rusting.

7. Spin speed or RPM (rounds per minute)

If you are wondering which RPM is good for each type of washers, here is a brief rule of thumb:

  • For front load washers, anything above 1000 RPM is considered good.
  • For top load washers, anything above 850 RPM is considered good.

Below is a table that provides a breakdown of the ideal operating RPM for different types of fabric:

  Front load washers Top load washers

Delicate clothes

400 – 600 RPM

300 – 400 RPM

Wool items

700 – 900 RPM

400 – 500 RPM

Synthetic items

800 – 1000 RPM

500 – 600 RPM

Jeans & thick items

900 – 1200 RPM

600 – 1000 RPM


8. Pick your top 3 favourite brands

Consider well established home appliance brands known for their high-quality products, those that align with your sustainability values, like Electrolux Singapore. Visit their websites and physical stores to deepen your understanding. Afterwards, lock in on your top three favourites, and carefully compare each one according to your own criteria.

The choice of the best washing machine to buy should depend on your laundry habits, budget, and personal needs. However, when you opt for an Electrolux washing machine, you can be confident that you are investing in an automatic laundry machine that will reliably serve your family for years to come.

9. Washing machine features to look for

The latest washing machine technologies are designed to provide optimal cleaning performance and make your life easier. If your top priorities are maximum convenience and achieving the best possible clean, here are some key features to look for when buying a washing machine:

Pre-soak feature

This function pre-soaks and distributes clothing items evenly. Rest assured that every fibre is reached and every item feels soft and smells fresh for longer.

Delicate care program

This is a specialised program to protect your treasured garments, using a reverse cradle action, for a reduced wrinkle wash.

Automatic mixing of detergent and softener

This function is designed to protect every fibre by optimally blending water, detergent and softener before entering the drum, conserving the life of your clothes.

Automatically-tailored washing programme

This feature automatically optimises the programme for the actual laundry load to save resources and avoid over washing. Smart sensors save the time, water and energy used, while ensuring even small loads are washed with precision.

Vapour care for allergen-free and wrinkle-free clothes

The Vapour Care function effectively removes 99.9% of allergens, making it ideal for those with allergies or sensitive skin, as well as for infants. At the same time, it helps reduce wrinkles, leaving your clothes feeling fresh, soft, and ready to wear with minimal ironing.

Self-cleaning feature

Self-clean function helps to maintain the performance of your washing machine if run on a regular basis.

If the above feature checklist has left you feeling confused, allow Electrolux to provide some recommendations. Our washing machines are equipped with the latest technologies, boasting standout features such as UltraMix, SensiCare system, and Vapour Care Technology.

Self-cleaning feature

>>> Find below our expert tips for washing machine owners:

10. Consult reviews and ratings

One of the most valuable tools for assessing a washing machine, or any other products, is unbiased, first-hand accounts from other customers, allowing you to gauge its performance, strengths, and authenticity of claims.

Seek out in-depth reviews, including articles and videos, that thoroughly evaluate each aspect of the washing machine. As a reference, Electrolux Singapore offers a selection of washing machines with numerous reviews and high ratings.

Make the most of our Store locator tool to find the nearest stores in your area where you can purchase Electrolux washing machines. By visiting these stores or Electrolux Showroom, you will have the opportunity to view our washing machines and other high-quality home appliances in person, receive expert and personalised advice, make an informed purchase, and much more.

11. Washing machine FAQs

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