Dryer Stacking Kit With Shelf
Dryer Stacking Kit With Shelf
Dryer Stacking Kit With Shelf
Dryer Stacking Kit With Shelf
Dryer Stacking Kit With Shelf

Dryer Stacking Kit With Shelf

  • E4YHMKP1
  • Kit for stacking washer-dryer with pull-out shelf.
  • Optimise space with stacking and slide-out shelf.
  • Easy installation with no fixing to appliances.
  • Suitable for models: EDH3497RDW, EDH3786GDW, EDH803BEWA, EDH903BEWA, EDH804H5WB
Check compatibility with other Electrolux washing machines - washer dryers

Yes, this accessory is compatible.

No, this accessory is not compatible.

See all accessories that match with EHD68009P.

Dryer Stacking Kit With Shelf
Colour of product may vary based on Country specific model. Picture are for illustration purpose
Easy-to-install kit

Easy-to-install kit

The stacking shelf, with adjustable rear fastening bracket, is easy and safe to install in between our washing machine and tumble dryer, with no need to fix the shelf to the whitegoods.


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